Alice Anderson
exhibition view at RITA URSO artopiagallery, Milan
November 15, 2012 | January 19, 2013
ALICE ANDERSON’S TIMESCALE is the first solo exhibition in Milan of the French-British artist Alice Anderson. The first floor of the gallery regroups a set of works that show a progression in a finite time and space, giving birth to an autobiographical timescale, a “time scale”. The sculpture Toise (2011) is related to body changes, Shields (installation, 2011) recalls the theme of adolescence finally a series of drawings entitled Now (2012) tell over the years. Anderson uses for her works copper thread and red fibre. The artist gives to these materials a positive value of protection and resistance reconnecting to his childish games of imagination: "When I wrap objects I protect them, I make them safe and beautiful”. At the second floor of the gallery Alice Anderson presents a second body of works entitled Binding the Studio (2012) which shows several objects from her studio wrapped with copper thread. During the last two years, the artist has focused on binding objects of various kinds and sizes: from the smallest and personal items (such as her laptop or watches) up to large public spaces such as the Freud Museum in London or the Cinémathèque Française in Paris. As in ancient Egypt the bodies were embalmed in order to achieve immortality, so the objects are binding by Alice Anderson are mummified and preserved in order to represent a fixed time suspended in eternity. Alice Anderson Born in London in 1976, grew up in Algeria and France. She studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and holds a Master of Arts at Goldsmiths, London, in 2004. Her works has been exhibited at Tate Modern, London: Centre Pompidou, Paris; Nichito Contemporary Art, Tokyo; Palazzo Riso, Sicilia; Museo Nazionale di Taiwan, Taipei; Fondazione agnes b, Paris; Riflemaker, London; Busan Biennal, sud Corea; Cinematheque Francaise, Paris; Fondation Cartier, Paris; All Visual Art, London; Museo Freud, London; Kunsthalle, Dusseldorf; Midland Art Centre, Birningham; Tate Liverpool, Liverpool. In 2012 she exhibited at the Whitechapel Gallery in London and she has participated with the installation From dance to sculpture at Frieze Art Fair.