Maja Baievic
May 16 | June 30, 2002
''...Uprooting, loss of home, living in-between two times and two places without being able to be at any of them, living through the Trauma...
This is what one of the most traumatized territories of the last decade of the XX century, Bosnia and Herzegovina has offered on the stage of the Grand Spectacle of humanity, where everyone of us has been a passive/active spectator. In her work, Maja Bajevic is reproposing this play on the stage for us to contemplate, this time as the interior mirror of the supersaturated situation offered by the myriad of traumas the media talk about everyday. As the artist herself states she describes the effect it has on the individual caught up in political games. Generally speaking, Bajevic's work is a political statement rising from one of the most upsetting human stories of the past years, the post-war situation in what is supposed to be her homeland, but that's still one of the most non defined geopolitical territories of Europe in the third millennium. What impresses me most though in Maja's work, but also in the work of other Bosnian artists of her generation, is that all of them are not merely referring to the most traumatic experience, the War. They rather tend to elaborate on the Trauma itself, which is mostly experienced in the aftermath of the war...''
Paraphrasing the Trauma by Edi Muka