Giada Giulia Pucci, 009_010, exhibition view
Giada Giulia Pucci
May 20 - July 2, 2010
009_010 by Giada Giulia Pucci is an intimate and personal work that comes from the practice of drawing. The artist colors with geometric shapes the walls of the gallery to create a vital and abstract space where follow 7 boxes (modules of the same size), 7 heads, 7 lives. Through fragments of torn paper, dropped almost casually on top of each other, the artist tries to rebuild a face, a look.On either side of the space facing two diptychs, also placed on a form bordered in color. Each diptych consists of two modules: one contains a drawing, in the other elements of paper that look like pieces of a model home. With this abstract installation (allegorical representation of our microcosm) made of geometric elements that embrace, in various forms, the heads and two diptychs, the artist sets stage the effects of devastation on the man with deaf tone but to the aggressive and violent cry replaces grace and composure.